Happy New Year to all our subscribers, regular readers & contributors and to all our new readers & contributors. Welcome to Issue #7 of ASP's Literary Journal. Issue #7 is a smaller rendering than usual due to less submissions and nothing from our artist following. I blame the time of year myself, Yuletide festivities with friends and families tends to hamper the time needed to dedicate to create and submit. So I would like to thank all those who did squeeze in the time to submit to us.
The new year sees ASP's shop up and running, please pop in and have a browse. I am reliably informed everything is working as it's supposed to - please try it out by purchasing something. Jack T Canis, one of our in-house author's has a new collection of gruesomely unwholesome short stories published by us in there. Pending for Spring 2023, our second in-house author, Sharif Gemie's new historical novel, 'The Displaced' is due for publication. Subscribe to ensure you're up to date on all the upcoming developments.
Later this year ASP is looking at a launch of a new project. Check back with us as things develop.
Enough chat - time to read - So, dip in, stay for as long as you like, or have time for. Remember we are always here, if you only have time for one poem now, maybe another time you’ll have time for a longer stay. Enjoy, have fun and we hope the content remains with you long after you have left.
Dogs Darnborough, Editor-in-Chief.