Welcome to Issue #5 of ASP's Literary Journal. One day I would like to put out a journal with no obstacles - just a clean easy run of it. As usual there were a number of 'behind the scenes', unforeseen circumstances that attempted to scupper the publication. No matter, the journal is here and with a slightly varied format from previous issues. Our new Poetry editor, Jamie Spracklen, has suggested a 'Featured Poet' spot, for the submission that most impressed him. In our inaugural 'Featured Poet', we present Phil Wood. We hope you enjoy his work as much as Jamie did.
I would like to take this opportunity, having just introduced Jamie to you all, to welcome him onto the team. Although he will have the opportunity for a slightly longer rest between issues than normal, because of the next announcement.
Unfortunately, I have had to come to the decision to put Issue #6, the Christmas edition, on hiatus. There are quite a lot of things pressing on me for my attention both with other aspects of ASP and beyond in my personal life. As such I have had to cut something to prevent full blown insanity. I would hope that come the New Year life will have settled a bit and we will be able to open for submissions as normal for the Spring edition. Please do keep an eye on your Social Media for updates.
Enough chat - time to read - So, dip in, stay for as long as you like, or have time for. Remember we are always here, if you only have time for one poem now, maybe another time you’ll have time for a longer stay. Enjoy, have fun and we hope the content remains with you long after you have left.
Dogs Darnborough, Editor-in-Chief.
